डॉ. नमिता खोत गौरव समितीगौरव ग्रंथ प्रकाशन सोहळा

डॉ. नमिता खोत गौरव समिती
गौरव ग्रंथ प्रकाशन सोहळा  
Call for Chapter in Book
To motivate library professionals, to give qualitative services and share their ideas, knowledge and experiences each other, we are publishing multidisciplinary book on the occasion of Dr.Namita Khot, Director BBKKRC Shivaji University Kolhapur Retirement Ceremony that is on 5th June 2022. Hence, we are requesting Librarians, Teachers, Researchers and all library Professionals to submit their articles focusing on Innovative best practices in Librarianship and Memories of interactions with Dr. Namita Khot. We are going to publish your article in the form of chapters in our book with ISBN. The multidisciplinary book with ISBN will be published by renowned publisher that will help you obtain marks for API-CAS as per UGC regulations mentioned as under. 
*(As per UGC Regulations 2018 dated 18th July 2018 & Government Resolution No. Misc-2018/C.R.56/18/UN-1 Dt.8th March 2019 and Corrigendum Dt.10th May 2019 for CAS promotions Academic/Research Schore.)

Title of Book – “Innovative Best Practices and Library Services in Librarianship”
“ग्रंथपालनातील सर्वोत्तम नाविन्यपूर्ण उपक्रम आणि ग्रंथालयीन सेवा"

Sub- Themes for this Multidisciplinary Book:
Part-I:  Innovative Best Practices and Library Services
1. Innovative Best Practices and library services implemented in your library.
2. Innovative Library services adopted in pandemic situation.
3. Good and bad experiences as Library Professional.
4. How you started your career as library professional.
5.Any other theme related to above main theme and Library & Information Science.
Part – II: About Dr.Namita Khot 
1.Memories, experiences and Interactions about Dr. Namita Khot
• Articles/papers should be in MS-word for Hindi and Marathi use Google Input Tool /Unicode.
• For English language use Times New Roman Font size: Title-16, SubTitle-14, Text- 12 and other settings should be kept normal. If the article contains graphs, maps, pictures. tables, it should be set up properly.
 Instructions for Author:
1. The research article should be related to the mentioned theme.
2. The article should have standard research methodology. 
3. Article should not exceed 2000 words.
4. Research articles will be accepted in English, Marathi and Hindi languages only. 
5. Research articles will be published with publication fees.
6. Only quality research articles will be accepted and the plagiarism will be strictly observed. 
8. Editors and publishers have right to reject the articles/chapters.
9. Softcopy of research paper and copyright form should be submitted to Email ID:  nbkfbook@yahoo.com
10. Publication Charges Details are as follows: 
Rs. 500/- for article (Those who want to write article in both the theme in Part I & II will be charged    Rs. 500/- only.) with copy of printed book.

Account Details to paying publication charges:
Account Holder Name:  Neeta Pandurang Patil       
Gpay/ Phone Pe Mob No. - 9595911284
Bank Name: Bank of Maharashtra  
Branch Name: Tarabai Park, Kolhapur
Bank (Saving) A/C No.- 60188615093
IFSC No.   MAHB0001045                 
Authors are requested to send their research articles/papers along with screenshots of paid fee details and copyright form to the following email. The format of copyright form is given below. E-mail id: nbkfbook@yahoo.com
Last Date of Submitting Article: on or before 30 April 2022. 
Book Publication Date: 5th June 2022.

Editorial Board
Dr.N.B.Dahibhate                          Dr.Sarika Sawant 
Dr.Dhananjay Sutar, Dr.Prakash Bilawar
Dr.Yuvraj Jadhav Dr.Sachinkumar Patil 
Dr.Sudhir Nagarkar  Dr.Ganesh Khandekar
Dr.Pandurang Patil Dr.Vikas Kharade 
Shri.Atul Nagarkar Shri.Harshal Pawar 
Dr.Neeta Patil           Smt. Shubhada Mane
Dr.Aparna Kulkarni Smt. Urmila Kadam 

For any help 
Dr.Ganesh Khandekar  : 9370027593
Chairman,Gaurav Samiti 
Dr.Sudhir Nagarkar : 9096572888
Secretary, Gaurav Samiti

Dr.Namita Khot,
 Director, Knowledge Resource Centre, BBKKRC, Shivaji University Kolhapur


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